Marketing Resource:
The ABA has put out a really useful Q1 checklist.
Ingram Extra Discount: Ingram has an Advanced Ordering Program. If you backorder any new release at least 6 weeks (42 days) before the pub date, you get an extra 2% discount.
Job Opportunity: Simon & Schuster is looking for an Associate Director of Client Sales! Info here.
Indie Press Month Display Contest: March is Indie Press Month, and the Independent Publishers Caucus wants to see your displays. The first 5 stores to post to Instagram on March 5 will receive $50 in co-op. The winner of the display contest will receive a $500 prize. You must sign up by February 26th to participate. More information and sign up here.
FREE Audiobooks from Libro for Onyx Storm Release Parties: Libro is offering free copies of the Onyx Storm audiobook for your event attendees. More info here.